Sunday 29 January 2017

Second Cut Feedback Notes

The positive feedback we received was that the soundtrack fitted well with the overall theme but the soundtrack could have been different for some of the footage. This could be fixed if we added footsteps and possibly a couple of muffled screams then that should balance out the soundtrack.

A few more good comments was that the light and dark contrast was very effective with the idea of the thriller theme. The font used for the titles were great also the transitions were interesting like the flash transitions which we used when a camera phone was taking a picture.

A big negative that was brought up was the end title sequence, which fades in before the candle is blown out. This needs to be adjusted so that the title can fade in as the candle blows out or even after.
The second ident need to be added when it is complete as it is not quite ready to added. This is due to the head in a different shape. Also the sound does not work on the mac's when it is converted to the mac's format, so I will need to separate the sound in the idents and add it to final cut pro so it will work properly with the footage.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Pitch Feedback and Final Ideas

Idea Pitch

Day Three Of Filming

Day three of filming involved the shrine with the photo's and the candles.

When we uploaded the footage the scenes were a bit too bright and also the antagonist was too bright in the scene so we needed to edit them to be darker to create more suspense.

Monday 23 January 2017

Day Two Of Filming

Day two of filming went well with us filming outside an office as the corridor was dark enough for the scene to have a scary effect on the audience. The scenes we film on this day was the hostage scene because it fits with conventions of a thriller drama which are that the hostage has to be in a dark environment.
The muffled sounds that we used in the scene were created while we were shooting this was done to make the scenes feel more genuine to the audience. 

Day One Of Filming

Day one of filming took place in a park which was our choice for the filming location because it has an interesting contrast with the dark scenes later.

The day of filming when well as we filmed all the scenes we needed to film. This meant that the group had good organisations skills and that we could get the task done.

The only things that went wrong was that I forgot to bring the smaller stand for the camera so some shots were difficult to achieve such as the low angle shot and panning. Eventually we got them to work like we wanted by changing the method we used which was that we would set up the camera and not control the movements.

The negatives of the day overall didn't have much of an impact to the shots and we didn't need to change any shots.

Character Infomation

First draft shooting script and feedback

 First draft shooting script and feedback

(1)The main character(Imogen) and side character(Jasper)are sitting on a bench.
(2)The characters walking away.
(3)Peter watching Imogen and Jasper from behind a tree.
(4)Shots of the shrine and images of Peter and Imogen
(5)A zoom in on a picture of Imogen and Peter.
(6)Shots of the image, Imogen and Peter laughing fades into Imogen and Jasper laughing.
(7)Imogen smiling and laughing.
(8)Imogen and Jasper take a selfie.
(9)They take the picture and it fades to the kidnap scene.
(10)Extreme close up shot of Imogens eye which zooms out.
(11)Imogens face is dirty and she is looking around
(12)Pan down her cloths(ripped cloths as if their has been a struggle)shrine is in the shot(mid-shot)person pining up selfie shot.
(13)The pan continues down to her feet and pans back up to her face.
(14)The door creaks open with a close up of Imogens reaction.

Ident Ideas


Questionnaire Question and Results

In the end we got 30 responses that were good and fitted the criteria we needed for our thriller theme footage.

First Cut Feedback

The positive feedback we received from other groups was encouraging as it highlighted the good points from our footage.
One of the comments that was made was that there was a good mood and atmosphere in the video which is good because that was an objective to create an interesting mood for the audience. *
Another comment that was given is that the camcorder filter was effective and looked very realistic and worked well with scenes that had the shrine in with close up shots of the images.
The fade between the shots that was varied a lot is viewed as being effective by most of the other groups as the transitions the scenes from one scene to another scene often from a romantic scene to a thriller scene in the case of our video. The mis-en-scene in the footage was also prised for its interesting setting, make up and costumes.
The negative feedback we got was great as it showed the problems with our footage so we can improve the work and make it the best we can.

The main negative that we got was that there was no sound in the footage this was due to the fact that we are working on the sound and it was not complete enough use with the footage. Another prominent problem we had was that the dark scenes were way too dark. To fix this problem we are going to edit the footage and increase the brightness of the video in parts.
An interesting bit of feedback that we got was that the close up shot of the candle being blown out could be moved to a different area in the footage to be more symbolic and significant. We agreed with this advice we will put the candle being blown out at the end of the video. The final piece of advice we received was that the flashbacks were not clear enough however there were multiple factors that made the flashbacks seem confusing. One of those factors was that there was no sound so they could not understand the context of the clips and the flashes were not distinguished between the transition fades.
We believe that if we add sound and slow down the flash transition then this should help the audiences though the video.

Reflection Pyromid

1)One word that Sums up filming process.
2)Two most pleasing shots.
The Bench scene and the shrine scene.
3)Three things that went well.
The costume worked quite well and we got all the filming done very quickly and the scenes work
well together.
4)Four things that didn't go well
The Weather, missing the mini tripod, camera movement (tracking) and communication.
5)Five things you would do(well) again.
Long shots, camera director (camera men), the hours of filming, the acting and the actors.
6)Six words that would do differently.
Bring the equipment, different style, atmosphere, more actors, different filming areas, organisation
7)Things you need to do now to get the best product
add effects to the footage, increase the lighting, add sounds, redo some shots, changing the order of the footage, work on the ident, add music.

8)Eight things you have learnt about the whole process so far including research and planning.
its very complicated, requires a lot of work to make the final product to look good, good organisation is needed, researched different camera techniques, how to use editing software, what kind of music that fits the genre, the important of mise-en-scene, learning what an idnet is.